Climate Letter #398

Massive road-building in wilderness areas. It’w happening now, and expected to accelerate. The numbers of miles (and dollars) are staggering, and so is the level of support coming from major banks, governments and economists. What happens to wildlife or the whole natural world doesn’t seem to matter to these folk, nor do the climate implications. There are plenty of “humanitarian” excuses employed to justify the activity.

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Questions raised by the recent UK election. Conservatives have gained majority power, which has raised fears about a weakening of climate policies. Also, the UK’s relationship to the EU is now uncertain, possibly causing disruptions for EU climate policy, which at present is relatively united and positive, at just the wrong time. This post provides depth in how all this is being discussed over there.
In the U.S., is Bernie Sanders an important candidate? Absolutely. He is very much a climate hawk, with policy ideas that are well in line with what many top scientists are recommending. He will certainly urge Hillary to better declare herself, and to not only join the team but to make it an active part of her campaign. That would get the public more involved, and surely make this an interesting issue for next year.
The Koch brothers have had setbacks. (One last political item for today.) The inroads of clean energy are a very real threat to the fossil fuel interests, which is trying to hold back their momentum. As shown here, they have often not been successful.

Activity in wave and tidal energy development. We don’t hear much about results, but the amount of effort is impressive, and growing. Worldwide, about 100 companies are working on tidal energy devices, plus 170 on wave energy. The energy that lures these companies is real enough, but how to best capture it still remains to be seen.

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