Climate Letter #397

An analysis of the proposed Nicaragua canal. There are no direct climate implications to speak of here, but there is an indirect connection. That is, the environmental damage is obviously enormous, even before considering unknown side effects, but all that is being overlooked and overruled because there are several layers of economic advantage available. That is precisely why our planet is in deep trouble. In this case the economic vision may yet fade, but otherwise there is little in the way to stop it. It might help if everyone is informed about this insidious project.

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More heavy rainfalls and flash flooding, like what happened in Oklahoma City, are to be expected. That is a well-known effect of a warmer atmosphere, experienced over much of the U.S. in recent years, and becoming more and more commonplace. It will almost certainly keep getting worse.
Fracking and drilling waste. Here are some numbers on the quantity of such waste, plus references to where it goes. It would help to also have some more numbers, gauging the actual amounts and harmfulness of the contained pollutants.
Warnings from a group of soil scientists. Like global warming, soil degradation has been proceeding for a very long time, at a pace that is barely noticeable, but heading toward an inevitable crisis. The two happenings are related in the sense that global warming has the power to further diminish the benefits we obtain from soil, which will speed up that day of reckoning. Also, both global warming and bad farming practices tend to release extra amounts of carbon from the soil, thus adding more supply to atmospheric CO2 and the greenhouse effect.
An important election in Canada. Alberta, the “Texas of Canada,” will now be ruled by a party described as fully socialist, replacing a long era of conservative dominance. Stopping climate change is one of the winning party’s tenets. This adds uncertainty to the future of the massive tar sands industry, the leaders of which were surprisingly impotent as an influence on voters—perhaps a warning to certain politicians in places not far off.

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