Climate Letter #1450

Global warming increases microbial activity, leading to undesirable feedback loops (Inside Climate News).  Microbes are a crucial element supporting all life as we know it.  This article by a first-rate journalist covers many of the ways their behavior is changing as the climate warms, and what scientists are saying about it.  “Maintaining and preserving these incredible communities has to be our highest priority if we intend to maintain the existence that we want on this planet.”

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Coral bleaching causes permanent changes in fish communities (EurekAlert).  “Publishing in the journal Global Change Biology, researchers show clear evidence that coral bleaching back in 1998 has led to changes in biodiversity and permanent shifts in the range of fish species coexisting on coral reefs, which still remain in place today.”  Even when reefs themselves completely recover fish populations decades later do not return to their pre-bleaching condition.
A tiny country in Africa has seen its climate destroyed in just thirty years (The Telegraph).  Djibouti, in the Horn of Africa, was accepting refugees in 1990 who described it as a land of paradise.  Now there is practically no water and the land has turned into desert, unable to sustain life, while the country has become just half a degree hotter over 30 years.  Neighboring lands have the same problem.
Not far away, a much larger country, Iran, seen as highly vulnerable to desertification (Tehran Times).  According to the accepted definition, “land is desertified when it can no longer support the same plant growth it had in the past, and the change is permanent on a human time scale.”  Iran has about 400,000 square miles of useful land (100 million hectares) now exposed to that probability.
Reservoirs for India’s sixth largest city have all run dry (CNN).  “Chennai is the latest casualty of a countrywide drought that has left 600 million people dealing with high to extreme water shortages.”  Tanker delivery services and groundwater that are available fall far short of filling the gap.  Erratic monsoon rains are largely responsible for the problem.
Jellyfish thrive on warming ocean water (Fast Company).  Along with being a great nuisance for human activity these ancient critters are “fundamentally dismantling natural food chains, both in their own ecosystems and in foreign ones as they invade new territories and find snug second homes.”  Scientists are looking for more ways to harvest and use them as a resource.

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