Climate Letter #1422

Why action must be taken to protect insects (The Guardian).  “Humanity must save insects, if not for their sake, then for ourselves, a leading entomologist has warned…..Insects are the glue in nature and there is no doubt that both the [numbers] and diversity of insects are declining…..At some stage the whole fabric unravels and then we will really see the consequences.”

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–One outstanding example of where action needs to be taken, based on new scientific evidence that looks quite credible (Yale e360):
A commentary published by the science journal Nature about how to fix the broken food system.  “Agriculture destroys forests and biodiversity, squanders water and releases one-quarter of global greenhouse-gas emissions. Yet one-third of food is wasted, 800 million people remain undernourished, 2 billion are deficient in micronutrients, and obesity is on the rise. These figures will worsen as the planet warms, soils degrade and the global population grows, urbanizes and consumes more.”  Current strategies to fix the problem are not working.  The authors go on to make  a case for the kind of strategies they believe are needed.
Some new figures related to human overconsumption of Earth’s natural resources (Reuters).  This particular report only covered the 28 nations in the EU.  “The EU uses up almost 20 percent of the Earth’s bio-capacity although it comprises only 7 percent of the world population…..In other words, 2.8 planets would be needed if everyone consumed at the rate of the average EU resident. This is well above the world average which is approximately 1.7 planets.”  (Several nations that are not part of the EU have an even higher rate of consumption.  We must always remember that human consumption and demand for energy are basically inseparable.)
One of the authors of a recent study discusses the state of scientific knowledge concerning past instances of unusual releases of large amounts of carbon dioxide from ocean bodies (The Conversation).  There is knowledge that events having serious consequences have happened in an abrupt manner on many past occasions, but there is much to be learned about their causation.  Many instances are described.  His conclusion:  “Earth’s pre-historic record clearly demonstrates that geologic reservoirs can be destabilized – and that when they are, it leads to rapid increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide and global warming. In my view, this represents an important unknown risk that cannot be ignored.”

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