Climate Letter #1939

In Carl’s theory of precipitable water’s greenhouse effect (Carl’s Theory) we find that the theory has two main branches, which are separate but closely related. The first branch shows that the greenhouse effect of precipitable water (PW) changes in a regular and consistent way, closely tied to the total molecular weight of all PW in the atmosphere overhead. This weight, as measured, ranges from lows of about 15 grams (in Antarctica) up to a limit of about 35-40 kilograms. (Higher numbers common to most of the tropical belt see the effect taper off through saturation.) The theory is tied to observations—still in need of confirmation—that the greenhouse effect is not significantly altered by the relative composition of different states of H2O molecules, gas, liquid or solid. The conclusion is reached that, after all other factors and conditions have been accounted for, each double in the total amount of PW occurring over a given location will add approximately 10C to the surface air temperature of that location, or the reverse. This rule does not apply to surfaces, such as large bodies of water, dominated by constant, extraordinary subsurface heat exchange affecting the air above, but sets a viable standard for all land and ice-covered surfaces. For an example of practical purposes, through interpretation of readily available data, this standard can be put to use daily as a means of determining complete sources of a multiplicity of temperature anomalies of all sizes.

The second branch of the theory of PW’s greenhouse effect describes a unique set of conditions that have a profound influence on the way PW is distributed across the face of the planet. In brief, outside of Earth’s tropical belt, the troposphere is divided into two levels, upper and lower, separated at an altitude of about three miles, having systematically large differences in air circulation and mobility based on a constantly active switch-over from one configuration of air pressure differentials to another. A relatively small percentage of global PW content, mostly originating in areas of evaporation along the borders of the tropical belt, is constantly being drawn into the upper level in the form of highly concentrated gaseous streams. The behavior of the PW carried by the air making up these streams is distinguished in many ways from that of the PW left behind, but the greenhouse energy effect, based on molecular weight, remains unchanged. The distribution of PW within the upper level differs radically from the more stable form of PW distribution near the surface. Separate totals of greenhouse effects become generated at each level, one above the other, and these become additive in their downward journey to the surface itself, arriving as a single total. Large variations occur with regularity, essentially dependent on the erratic and occasionally extreme patterns of PW distribution in the upper level. The concept of leverage is quite applicable to these events, and the degree of leverage can be extraordinary. The speed at which they can develop can be observed by tracking rapid changes in the total PW content native to mid-to-upper latitudes as recorded on animated websites.

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This theory was developed over the past year by the author of Carl’s Climate Letters. Past letters constitute a journal revealing the pathway to its development, containing an abundance of supporting evidence extensively detailed and discussed. The two most salient features of the theory, described above in summary form, are now considered complete and ready for outside review.


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