Climate Letter #630

CO2 level up sharply for the month of March.  The daily average at Mauna Loa was 3.31 ppm higher than that of the year ago month.  This compares with a “standard” increase of about 2 ppm annually for any month extending back for the last ten years.  That’s the number we are now anxiously hoping to reduce—all the way down to zero as quickly as possible.  The present extraordinary deviation on the high side is in part accounted for by natural and normal El Nino effects which are soon due to be reversed.  We remain wary that other kinds of natural emissions have been set off by the reaching of any of several possible tipping points which may not be so readily reversed.

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Nicaragua has entered its third year of devastating drought, making food security a real problem.  As is often the case, deforestation has been a contributing factor.
Half of 229 natural world heritage sites are being threatened by industrial development.  These are supposed to be protected under UN mandates, but for some reason whoever is responsible keeps looking the other way.
Many countries are cutting their carbon emissions while raising GDP.  For 21 of 67 countries studied, including the US, this has been a relationship established since the year 2000, disproving some old arguments that claimed it couldn’t be done.

Progress report featuring the US wind-energy industry.  It has made remarkable strides and is positioned to further pick up the pace.  This country is now #1 globally in wind energy production.

Chris Martenson talks about the enormous challenge of transitioning away from fossil fuels.  Chris was recently invited to meet with an advisory council at the UN on building a sustainable energy future.  He has earned a solid reputation from years of study and publication on this subject, seldom sugar-coated.

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