Climate Letter #629

A story about plans to drill for oil on the edge of a pristine rainforest in Ecuador.  With no meaningful purpose being served, this makes you wonder about both the reckless behavior and the strange motivations of the people who have the power to commit such deeds.  It is an extreme example of the common observation that fossil fuel interests simply do not care about public or environmental consequences.

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An interesting idea for producing electricity from coal without combustion.  This has some credibility because the concepts were developed at MIT and have been peer reviewed but physical tests have yet to be accomplished.  The system would integrate coal gasification and fuel cell technologies, possibly doubling the power obtained per unit of coal, and sharply reducing pollutants while yielding pure streams of CO2 that can cheaply and easily be captured.
The world’s first 24/7 utility power plant is now operating in Nevada.  It uses molten salt to store and convey energy to generators, supplying enough electricity for 75,000 homes with no need for backup facilities.  Output is priced under contract at 13.5 cents per kwh, which is not especially cheap but there will no doubt be learning curve benefits available for future projects of this kind.  It is a truly noteworthy accomplishment.
Climate engineering proposals are still very much under consideration, although quietly.  Solar radiation management is the only known technology that can buy time by controlling global temperatures.  It may thus be the only way to accomplish what was promised in Paris, but there are plenty of negatives to consider.
We keep learning more about the devastating consequences of ocean acidification.  In this case the only known cure is by controlling the level of CO2 in the air, which is not helped at all by schemes that block solar radiation, and may even be set back.
Several short videos that add further clarification to the new revelations about the mechanisms of ice sheet disintegration.

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