Climate Letter #1396

A strong new push has begun toward furthering restoration of the world’s ecosystems.  An international group of scientists and activists have organized a campaign to promote that goal, briefly described in a joint letter of introduction.  Here is a copy of their letter as publicized by The Guardian:

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–These are editorial comments added by the environment editor of the newspaper:
–George Monbiot, a prominent British naturalist, appears to be the spearhead of this movement.  Here is how he described it in summary fashion for The Guardian, including a short video which he narrated:


A more detailed look at the rationale of the science behind the movement is found in a section of the group’s new website, under the name of Natural Climate Solutions.  The 40 main points include many references to scientific studies that provide supporting evidence.
–Also note the list of organizations that are named as existing allies in this work, deserving public support, with links to their websites:
Burning coal to produce steel and cement is a major source of CO2 emissions (Axios).  It is a problem that cannot be overlooked, and remains difficult to fix.  “While options exist to reduce or eliminate coal from those processes, many of the necessary technologies require policies, incentives and new markets to bring down the costs of commercial deployment.”  These are efforts that should be subsidized.
New research quantifies the extent of damage from landslides in the Arctic caused by melting permafrost.  Once started they keep expanding, and are impossible to stop.  Banks Island in British Columbia now has over 4000 active slumps with potential for many times that number.  They tend to get started when there is an unusually hot summer.

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