Climate Letter #979

A scorching hot summer in the Middle East.  Cities that are normally the hottest in the world have had stretches that were above normal lasting several weeks, and are continuing.  A high of 53C is the same as 127F.  Per the newest Weather Map indicator (see CL#977), minimum temperatures over large areas, including many in north Africa, have been around 100F.

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138 volcanoes lie buried along the edges of the West Antarctica ice sheet, of which 91 were recently discovered, with still more likely to be found.  This is among the world’s most dense regions of such populations.  Eruptions could occur at any time with a disruptive effect on ice melting rates.
What Republicans are getting wrong about climate change (Axios).  This online editorial by Amy Harder makes a number of points that I believe are accurate.  Power structure of the party has somehow been taken over by a relatively small group that is promoting an utterly false doctrine, with the heavy backing of certain corporate interests.  The same people have the same attitude toward the most fundamental aspects of environmental protection, which are being torn up day by day.  There should be greater reaction from people within the party who are uncomfortable with this activity.  There should also be louder screams of objection from Democrats who are in office.  What are these bodies afraid of?
A prominent scientist speaks out against industrial pollution that is being backed by Trump’s government.  He provides details about how real progress that was made in the past is now being reversed.  By sitting back and letting this happen, and with reference to the content in the story above, the Republican party as a whole has to be held accountable.  What is going to change?  For one thing, the voting public as a whole should be paying more attention and getting more engaged.
What does the future of Bangladesh look like?  An outward migration has already begun, and it is almost certain to accelerate as sea level rises, but there are plenty of open questions about how soon and how extensive.  Here is a full report, well-researched.
Egypt is also destined to have extraordinary problems as a result of climate change.  Sea level rise is sure to cause declines of food production in the Nile River delta, where over half of the nation’s crops are grown.  Of further concern, Egypt is located in a zone where climate models anticipate above average temperature increases and a worsening of drought conditions.  Rapid population growth complicates the outlook.

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