Climate Letter #765

More evidence of the connection between atmospheric CO2 levels and the way the Antarctic Ice Sheet expands and contracts.  This particular finding provides an interpretation of events from 23 million years ago.  Other studies indicate that major destabilization of the ice sheet has commenced with CO2 not much higher than where it is today.

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Five of the world’s biggest environmental problems.  This story, from a German-based website, provides a reminder that all of these problems are caused by wayward human activities, all are interconnected, are global in nature, and all suffer from a lack of effective means of control.  The mitigating programs that are in place need somehow to be strengthened and accelerated in the absence of a powerful central authority, which is not likely to appear at any time soon.
Why not to worry about a decline in renewable energy investment.  The story published in yesterday’s letter by all appearances was worrisome.  Now open this link to see the other side more clearly, from Bloomberg.  The first chart is breathtaking, and so is the second.  Then the two charts that show how wind turbines have improved their performance are every bit as amazing.
What cheap solar electricity is doing for people in Africa who are living off-grid.  About 10% of 600 million who are off-grid now have clean electricity that is affordable.  The costs involved are likely to drop another 60% within 20 years.  Mini-grid systems for small communities are becoming very popular.  Before too long everyone may have power.
Electric car sales in Europe are likely to accelerate.  That’s because diesel, which now has about half of the market, has taken a nosedive thanks to cheating on emissions reports by Volkswagen and other producers.  The shift away will not be to gasoline but to electric.  Competition is heating up, and sure to have international effects as sharp new models appear.
An overview of climate change politics in the US, from the Christian Science Monitor.  Lots of observations of an unbiased character that sorts things out quite well.

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