Climate Letter #760

Russian researchers report significant increases in Arctic methane emissions since 2014.  The work of this team, which began in 2011, has limited interest in the science community because it is so difficult to measure or estimate the actual total quantity of emissions from these underwater sources, or how they locate once emitted.  In any case it is not good that they are described as increasing by a competent observation team.

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Also from the Siberian Times, a story about recent wildfires in Siberia, said to be unprecedented.
A new report from Pew Research Center on the politics of climate in the US.  The gulf between the two parties appears larger than ever, yet there is bipartisan agreement in a few instances.  Lots of good questions were investigated in this poll.
For just a quick summary of the poll story you can go here:
Some new research on the psychology behind climate change denial.  This lady has interesting ideas that relate to certain personality types and how they play out on the denial stage.  Her thoughts at the end about possible ways of converting these types are not too convincing.
How plants, including vital crops, have difficulty adapting to climate change.  Most food crops are naturally adapted to grow best under certain climate conditions, resulting in a drop in yield when conditions change.  This new study covers particular situations that have a troubling outlook.
The latest thinking about hurricane intensity, from senior scientists.  Emphasis is on the views of Kerry Emanuel, who is one of the best-informed persons making long-term predictions.  Sea level rise will further magnify the damage.

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