Climate Letter #460

Global CO2 level, new monthly report.  For July the year-over-year gain was 2.3 ppm, not a good month for those who had hoped for one more like June.  Existing trends are on track, as the charts on this link show, and there is still no sign of change toward acceleration.  25 years ago we had just recently passed 350.  We’re now on course for 450 in less than 25 years. unless there are some powerful changes.

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The effort to block renewable energy in the US.  A new report provides the important details.  The opponents are “well-oiled” financially and fighting for their lives.  They have no interest at all in seeking truth or saving the Earth’s environment.  As the saying goes, this game ain’t beanbag.
A very similar situation has already progressed in Australia.  A new book is out that tells the whole story.  “Taylor’s book shows how Australia could have acted on climate change a quarter of a century ago, but how corporate interests and economic ideologies not only stopped the clock on action, but wound it back.”  Today’s Australian people do show signs of readiness to overcome this monster, but valuable time and opportunities have been lost.
Half a billion dollars has already been spent fighting Obama’s clean power plan, getting it pared back somewhat.  The main point, in line with the above stories, is that big money is available in powerful opposition hands and will be spent.  The plan itself, which has been criticized by people like James Hansen as much too modest, is now being subjected to a broad new line of attacks and is by no means sure to survive.
New technologies are coming that will further reduce the cost of solar PV power. The spectacular gains of recent years are thus likely to be extended.  Distributed power suppliers will benefit as well as standalone projects.
A similar type of outlook is in place for battery technology:

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