Climate Letter #444

A review of how things stand with the carbon budget.  If you are familiar with the carbon budget concept this is a good post for refreshing and updating.  If not, this is a piece of clear writing that will give you a solid introduction.  The concept is important because if offers guidance to crucial questions about timing, if we wish to safely avoid a climate apocalypse.  The carbon budget is about more than human emissions, which can be controlled.  It also includes the possibility of several different kinds of uncontrolled natural feedbacks, some of which may add new emissions while others could reduce or cancel existing sinks that helpfully offset part of our human emissions.  This is all nicely explained here.

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Tesla’s projections for solar electricity cost reductions.  “We can see solar generation at US$0.02 – $0.03/kWh and battery storage well below $0.10/kWh that is well and truly buffered electricity cheaper than existing fossil fuel sources,” said Straubel.  In other words, wherever there is good sunshine, solar electricity is going to be available 24 hours a day at a price to consumers that is more than competitive with coal or natural gas.  This is going to happen soon, and is truly something to celebrate.
Here are some unusual things been promoted at a big solar exposition that is now going on:
Islamic scholars are preparing a draft on climate change.  Release is set for a major symposium to be held in Mecca (Saudi Arabia) in mid-August.  The work reportedly will have much in common with the recent issuance from Pope Francis.  It should be interesting to see what the various reactions will be.
An update on Tom Steyer’s plans to influence politicians.  This wealthy climate hawk is going to spend $100 million on the 2016 election, largely aimed at the Democratic candidates to start with.  (One of them is currently lagging the other two.)  Public awareness of the main issue is going to be higher for this election than ever before, a matter of some discomfort for whoever may be the Republican choice.
What can stop excessive population growth?  Population growth is closely linked to climate change because of the inherent increased demand for energy.  This 10-minute video features a lecture by the popular Hans Rosling, who presents a positive message in a most entertaining manner.

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