Climate Letter #438

Significant new study of volcanic emission measurements.  All eruptions, small as well as large, contribute particles to the atmosphere that temporarily reflect incoming solar energy.  Methods for measuring the total effect have begun to improve.   Resulting information accounts for much of the recent pause in warming:  “A team of international researchers….have now found an explanation for this slowing down in global warming: the incoming solar radiation in the years 2008-2011 was twice as much reflected by volcanic aerosol particles in the lowest part of the stratosphere than previously thought.”

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New study of the effects of Arctic tundra growth.  This one puts emphasis on those specific effects which tend to add strength to global warming.  The greenery also acts as a carbon sink when it grows, which has the opposite effect.  Just how much the two things offset one another would be helpful to know but is not made clear.
Why the growth of rubber plantations is just as nasty as those of palm oil, and even more tragic.  “The surge in rubber demand saw valuable and even protected lands being converted into rubber plantations, drastically reducing carbon stocks, soil productivity, water availability, and biodiversity.”  Many of these are doomed to fail by the climate change they help to create.
An update on coral bleaching concerns.  Warmer ocean water is the primary cause of this problem.  “The bleaching that started in June 2014 has been really bad for corals in the western Pacific….We are worried that bleaching will spread to the western Atlantic and again into Hawaii.”  El Nino is not the only cause of the required level of warming.
Why solar cell efficiency will keep growing.  Five different techniques are employed to capture and retain the sun’s energy in silicon solar cells.  The technique now being used for 80% of such cells is the least efficient, and is on its way to being replaced by the other four.  Here is the story about one of the best of these, how costs keep falling, and what to expect for the next ten years.
Some advice on how to communicate the uncertainties of climate change.  A complete handbook can be downloaded at this site, with many practical ideas for anyone engaged in making presentations.  (Actually anybody could benefit.)

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