Climate Letter #423

An in-depth review of the debate over temperature targets.  The debate has intensified and become more audible, which is a very good thing.  More people are becoming aware of how dangerous a plus-2C reality would be, and how glib was its previous routine acceptance.  There is also a growing awareness that for many parts of the world even a plus-1.5C reality would be painfully uncomfortable.  Next, there is still a need to realize that no target safely represents an actual stopping point.  Built-in momentum almost guarantees an add-on of at least 0.5C just from cleaning up the dirty air that now is blocking a fair amount of incoming energy.

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A close-up look at what China is doing for energy reform, from BBC.  The amount of effort is impressive compared with what the rest of the world is doing, but paradoxically weak when compared with that country’s vast population combined with an economic growth rate that leaves the rest of us in the dust.  A growth slowdown for a few years would be quite helpful.
An early look at the papal encyclical.  As anticipated, the message is addressed to everyone, regardless of religious affiliation, and positions climate action within a broader framework of standards for the entire environment, which is very wise.
Focus on evangelicals.   What the pope is doing will influence public opinion in all countries where he has any kind of following, and Hispanics everywhere.  In the U.S. there are 80 million evangelicals, or a quarter of the population, having both a considerably different set of beliefs and a different style of motivational influence.  Traditionally, this group has placed little emphasis on environmental awareness in its teachings, which some of those in leadership places think is wrong and should be turned around.  Their success in doing so could make a huge difference in political strategies and how U.S. policy is conducted in the years ahead.

Arctic Ocean rapidly acidifying.  This study provides one more reminder of how urgent the need is to quickly start reducing the CO2 overload.
Carl   (written June 16th)

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