Climate Letter #354

New study of the dynamics of glacial ice movement in West Antarctica. The conclusion is that destabilization is likely to occur more quickly than commonly believed. That means sea level estimates will need to be revised upward. The processes, as described here, are not all readily understandable, but the scientists (from Caltech) make a rational case and seem to know what they are talking about. Statements of approval for the science have been given by at least two outside heavyweights. This is a serious development for the future of coastal communities.

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How the impact of global warming caused by humans is being delayed. In the Southern Ocean both heat and CO2 are being transported from the surface to deeper level ocean burial by a substantial process not previously recognized. This effectively reduces both the heat and the CO2 that would otherwise be transmitted to and held within the atmosphere. The effect is caused by higher wind speeds which, ironically, result from the basic climate warming trend. This is a lucky break for humans because it buys us a little extra time to get our act together.
How global warming may expand territories affected by deep drought. This is tied to new studies of Hadley cell formation. The effects would be felt in tropical and subtropical regions such as Australia, southern Amazonia and southwest and central U.S. Projections such as this sound reasonable, but need to be thoroughly vetted because the significance is so serious.
Significant improvement in wind turbine design. From Uowa State U. By adding a second, smaller rotor, the designers believe turbines can harvest 18% more energy, for a major gain in competitive advantage..
From the CEO of a major U.S. utility: “Our industry is in the early but unmistakable stage of a technology-driven disruption of historic proportion.” NRG is actively preparing for immediate and very rapid change. While driven by the economics of cost-effective technology rather than public policy or some kind of international agreement the “side benefits” to climate mitigation should be huge.

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