Climate Letter #1282

An update on the status of technologies designed for direct air capture of CO2  (The Guardian).  According to the IPCC, “People have done too much damage to the climate to avoid catastrophe just by halting the burning of fossil fuels. They now will have to re-engineer the world…..The livability of the planet will thus depend largely on tools that are now available only on a small scale and currently still expensive.”  This story is about small companies trying to find answers.

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Some large organizations are looking for leverage to revolutionize agriculture (Thomson Reuters).  They want more effort incorporated into UN proceedings as a top priority in fighting climate change, in part because of all the other benefits that go with it.  Their goals “have the potential to transform the agriculture industry from being a major emitter of greenhouse gases to one that is net neutral, and possibly even be a greenhouse gas sink, while reducing deforestation and freshwater use by 55 per cent and 35 per cent respectively.”

An example of what agricultural revolution at its best might look like:  This is an amazing story about what some small farmers in Brazil are doing to restore land that had been ruined by large corporations practicing monoculture.  It took hard work but food production and forest restoration have both made significant gains.
Many well-known scientists are critical of the IPCC for underestimating the threat of climate change.  Actually, as previously pointed out, the report was written for policymakers, not with the intent to mislead, since policymakers have plenty of opportunities to dig out the truth if they want it, but as a way of compromising the setting of goals with nations that are resistant to any kind of action, and so maintaining some sense of unity.for moving ahead.  Getting unified action behind the full requirements of the watered-down version will be difficult enough as it is, as demonstrated by actions since the Paris Agreement.  The problem with this approach is that the stronger version of the truth that the scientists know about and are worried about is not getting through to the public, which has to rely on relatively weak media accounts for information.
Democrats are having a problem of their own in framing the issues around climate change (The Hill).  At this moment it seems to have no traction as a campaign message, nor does Trump’s environmental rollback program, the latter being perhaps harder to explain.  “Democrats, who are now favored to seize the House, have crafted their campaign message around issues like increasing working-class wages and lowering the cost of prescription drugs. They think the kitchen-table agenda will resonate more effectively, particularly in conservative-leaning districts where voters tend to be wary of the economic impact of climate legislation.”
Lithium-sulfur batteries are getting closer to commercial readiness, as stability issues appear to have been overcome by work at Drexel University..  “Our research shows that these electrodes exhibit a sustained effective capacity that is four-times higher than the current Li-ion batteries. And our novel, low-cost method for sulfurizing the cathode in just seconds removes a significant impediment for manufacturing.”

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