Climate Letter #335

Does global warming mean more or less snow? This is by Kevin Trenberth, a well-known climate scientist, offering a lot of good basic information about relationships at this level.

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How it all relates to the epic conditions now seen around Boston:
Notes on the Climate Reanalyzer. The site has been reformatted to carry more information than ever, and easier to access. I think of it as an indispensable tool for understanding current climate conditions, and view it daily. Each series of data now offers a global panorama if you drop down a bit on any page. It is fascinating to see how hot and cold anomalies for air temperature skip around from region to region, day after day—except when something gets stuck. Give it all a good look.
New electric auto battery coming by 2017, that will more than double travel range. A group from MIT is responsible for putting this venture in play. I believe there will be competition, creating much excitement in this market.
Global sea ice extent data. This is a subject that often gets distorted by misleading information. These may be the best available figures for comparing the trends in both major regions:
What is happening in the U.S. clean energy sector? Here are 15 charts that all have a story to tell, mostly bumpy except for solar energy (see chart #3) and fuel cell projects—which is the most surprising.

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