Climate Letter #1176

Insights into the nature of hurricanes:  An interview with top scientist Kevin Trenberth, by Scientific American.  A hurricane is nature’s way of pulling excess heat out of the ocean, depositing much of that energy over land in the form of rain.  As oceans get warmer hurricanes become bigger, more intense and longer lasting.  Researchers have calculated that “climate change caused Harvey’s rainfall to be 15 to 38 percent greater than it would have been otherwise.”

Now, sexual weakness or erectile dysfunction is a man’s inability to gain and keep viagra no prescription the sufficient erection in the bedroom. Primary studies have revealed that this medicine can help in prescription de levitra Raynaud’s phenomenon. Unhealed Chronic Prostatitis Probably Cause Physical Sexually Dysfunction The prices cheapest levitra prostatitis patients, during their acute infection period or acute episode, will accompany with inflammatory edema in their reproductive organs and urinary organs, and, in this period, their testicles, penis, urethra and other exposed genital organs might feel congested, swelling, burning, pricking, while these painful symptoms will lead to a stressful, powerless, or perfunctory sexual life, then arose a mentally anxious,. Erectile dysfunction drugs, in side effects of viagra the past few years as well.

The potential for Natural Climate Solutions (NCS) to remove CO2 from the atmosphere.  Carbon Brief has a review of a new paper that casts much light on this important subject.  First of all it describes each of the nine best-known NCS pathways, and then goes on to compare their cost and overall impact with that of the more widely discussed BECCS strategy, which has been much criticized.  NCS comes out far ahead in favorability but not in potential scale.  It could at least reduce the need for BECCS and even more if pushed to its theoretical limit.

A new study presents the case for feasibility of making electrical systems 100% renewable.  The authors “analyzed hundreds of studies to answer each of the apparent issues. They demonstrate that there are no roadblocks to a 100 percent renewable future.”  All of the solutions to potential problems are “absolutely affordable”, including situations where long-term storage is required.


A description of eleven major initiatives undertaken independently since the Paris Accord.  There are many ways to mitigate climate change that the UN is not equipped to manage, and they are popping up everywhere.  Some national governments are even going well beyond the Paris agreements on their own.
How wealthy people contribut far more than others to climate change.  A brief video from BBC looks at the consumption and pollution patterns of the richest one percent.
Reports that wind farms have gained greater acceptance in places of location.  Anti-wind propaganda was quite strong at one time but now seems to be fading.  The income they generate in rural areas certainly helps.

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