Climate Letter #939

Some very big news out of Sweden.  The country has passed a law requiring that it become carbon neutral by 2045.  Legislators voted 254-41 in favor, with resistance primarily coming from the far right.  The action sets a great example not just because of its strength but because it does not depend in any way on what policies are pursued by other countries, under the Paris or any other agreement.

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This year’s month of May was the second warmest on record, behind only the May of 2016.  Gavin Schmitt is predicting that similar results will come true for the year as a whole.  The post has a chart showing how that would look as an extension of the trend pathway starting with 1880.  It looks like the linear trendline that has developed since 1975 is aimed in a way that would reach 1.5C no later than 2040.
India is rapidly running out of water.  Climate is a factor but the main reasons involve increased demand and careless management.  As a consequence the expansion of water-intensive industries must be avoided, and that principle especially applies to coal-powered electricity production.  It is a major reason for the policy changes now taking place.
–For more on how India’s policies are changing read what Keith Schneider and Stephen Leahy are saying, both of whom are thoroughly well-informed journalists not given to unfounded optimism.
A new study emphasizes the need for agricultural reform, with many recommendations.  This high-level work is based on analysis of a large body of references.  Some of the conclusions are familiar, others not.  Fortunately, the same steps that will best avoid environmental damage are also highly beneficial to human health.
The loss of fish in tropical waters is a growing problem.  Unlike other zones, when fish move out because of these waters becoming overly warm there is nothing to move in and replace them.  “Warmer waters were pushing marine species away from the equator at a rate of about 50km per decade as they followed the ideal temperatures for feeding and spawning.”

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