Climate Letter #935

Encouraging signs of improving energy policies in India:

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A liberal journalist tells fellow liberals they should make climate change their number one issue.  He makes a good case.  “And all those other things you cared so much about will be subsumed in a planet of storms, heat, floods, fires, extremism, xenophobia, injustice, violence, war, death, and suffering. This issue will burn away all the others.”
Here is a paper written by eleven highly rated scientists who see an urgent need for stepping up the pace set by the Paris agreement.  They especially dislike the idea that emissions can be allowed to overshoot the budget targets and then be later repaired by employment of negative emissions technologies that don’t yet exist.  The prospect of losing control due to harmful feedbacks caused by overshooting adds another reason to avoid going that route.
An example of a feedback that could prove extremely costly.  Enough is now known about the probable size of the permafrost carbon feedback to require its addition to the database that has been used to guide the Paris agreement.  This is one of those feedbacks that would be likely to accelerate during an overshoot period as referred to in the previous story.
The growing problem of plastic debris in the world’s oceans.  The first story is mainly about the effects around California, with emphasis on the poorly recognized problem of microplastics.
–This story from Indonesia has much the same theme, including an unbelievable photo:
–Again, this time from Pakistan, plus huge amounts of untreated sewage:
China now has now has an excessive amount of badly polluted soil adding to its woes.  “Public alarm is growing.  For evidence, ask any Chinese about “cadmium rice”, which contains a heavy metal that, if ingested, can eventually cause kidney failure, lung disease and bone damage.”
Comment:  Climate change is not the only thing about industrialization that needs to quickly be fixed.

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