Climate Letter #931

Weather Map findings.  Yesterday we looked at areas with daily temperatures averaging over 90, which are almost all still there, and more besides.  Today we’ll start off with the anomaly map for air temperatures (scroll down for global).  It seems that most of those hot places are in the above average category, shaded brown. When you study this map every day you will quickly see that the brown and blue shades in most places have a way of jumping around quite rapidly, but not always, and not everywhere.  Heat waves and cold waves can get stuck in place, which is always a problem, especially when temperatures are at an extreme.  Northern Africa is always very hot in the summer, and now it is running above average.  If that pattern gets stuck life will not be pleasant this time around.

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An important new study has a focus on the future of Africa’s Sahel region.  Their climate is very sensitive to events in far-off places, which in this case would be a scenario of rapid melting of Greenland’s ice sheet.  The Abstract plus Significance that begin this study pretty well summarize the details.  Note how many people could be displaced.
CO2 report for May.  The daily average for the month was a shade less than 2ppm above May of 2016.  This is a key month because it marks the top of the annual seasonal cycle.  The next key marker will appear in a shorter interval in late September, which will compare with a 2016 low of about 400.7.  If that result can also stay below 2ppm it would be a slight cause for celebration, but then the annual increases must keep heading down.  (Scroll down)
A serious reaction to Trump’s Paris withdrawal is actually taking shape in the US.  There are more than 1200 organizations that believe it is possible to completely offset the damage by working together and putting in some extra effort.  Individuals can also look for ways to contribute.
–Look at how many different stories are tied to this same theme on one of my favorite websites:
Surface ozone is found to be highly damaging to the growth of plants.  It thus reduces the usefulness of plants in the polluted region to serve as a carbon sink.  The effect far outweighs the importance of aerosol pollution as a means of cooling the air by reflecting sunlight.  The ozone damage likewise extends into human health, nutrition and whole ecosystems.  This study should receive great interest in China and places with similar problems.
Fungal infections are on the rise, favored by shifting climate conditions.  There is an effect on human health but crop diseases can be even more worrisome.

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