Climate Letter #892

How global warming affects quality of life for the urban poor who are living in the warmest regions.  Ordinary heat waves can be completely debilitating even when death rates are not high.  This is a severe and rapidly growing consequence of climate change that does not get as much publicity as many of the other hazards.

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James Hansen offers a range of opinions in an interview with Scientific American.  This veteran scientist is well known for his practical approach to climate action, with the emphasis almost always placed on things the government should be doing.  His number-one recommendation for the US:  “Unless you get a fee on carbon, you cannot solve the problem.  As long as fossil fuels appear to be cheap energy, they’re going to keep being burned by somebody.”  Much more, including a boost for nuclear energy.
—Here is a report featuring new “Gen IV” designs for nuclear reactors that are said to have many attractive features:
The current state of several new technologies for making batteries.  Lots of interesting things are going on, but according to the planners at Tesla nothing is in sight that will soon replace lithium/ion.
What were conditions really like during the “little ice age”?  New information has come to light correcting some older misconceptions.  There were scorching summers as well as extremely cold winters in this curious era.
How accurate are CO2 readings taken from ice cores that go back 800,000 years?  If you have wondered about that you should be very interested in this explanation from several experts on the subject.  Among other things, they show that it is all but impossible for there ever to have been a spike during that period like the one we have just created.  “Human emissions of CO2 are clearly unprecedented.”

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