Climate Letter #808

A new study shows how climate change is causing mountain glaciers to shrink.  The study covered 37 large mountain glaciers on five continents, all of which have long historical measurement records.  Their common pattern of shrinking can only be explained by changes in climate, mostly occurring over the last 150 years.

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New research provides unusual evidence of surface melting that weakens East Antarctic ice shelves.  “…our research now suggests that the much larger East Antarctica ice sheet is also very vulnerable.”  That is the sheet usually thought of as relatively secure.
A new report from William Nordhaus at Yale University.  Nordhaus is a highly respected economist who has created models which have been widely used in research on studies of climate-change economics and policies.  This report provides his current assessment of the pathway being taken by the world at large via a new model which updates one that was prepared in 2013.  The main message, clearly spelled out in the brief introduction, is not addressed to wishful thinkers.
Reactions questioning Trump’s pick for Secretary of State.  Environmentalists are horrified, and many Republican senators have expressed dismay for other reasons.
Record breaking heatwave in southeastern Australia.  This highly populated region is under alert for a series of potentially devastating bushfires.

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