Climate Letter #806

Some people distressed by climate change find it difficult or impossible to migrate.  That is a reality that is explored quite well in this story from the Climate Home website.  As things now stand, help is not always available.

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A new report about the worldwide future of coral reefs.  By the year 2050 more than 98% will be affected by enough thermal stress each year to cause bleaching.  Their likelihood of survival in that case is extremely low.  The current upward trajectory of warming places us about halfway to that point.  The study covers 60,000 reef locations.

A study about the prevalence of “local extinctions” due to climate change.  About half of 976 plant and animal species that were studied have already been affected in that way by the need to shift their range to cooler habitats.  (As noted in the last two stories, migrating is not always an option.)

A new generation of nuclear reactors is gaining support.  They are smaller, safer and cheaper than the current type and can be produced with a modular configuration.  Some environmentalists have given their approval.
The strange case of tomorrow’s vote for Louisiana’s US senator.  This state is high on the list of those most immediately threatened by climate change and environmental pollution.  It also has an economy heavily dependent on oil and gas production.  The runoff election campaign has been unusual because one candidate has made a big issue out of what the climate and pollution problems mean for the future, making this a real test of how voters set their values when this issue is openly addressed.

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