Climate Letter #657

Should you be fearful of climate change, hopeful about humanity’s response, or both?  Professor and author Clive Hamilton is a seasoned observer who leans toward finding answers that are realistic, even if not too comfortable.  I think his concluding remarks are an accurate and up-to-date representation of where all the known facts are pointed.

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A report from Joe Romm on the very latest developments in clean energy technology.  Dr. Romm firmly believes we have all the proven resources necessary to move away from fossil fuels at full speed.  He wants that information to be more widely recognized and spread.  This is the second part of a series he has started.  There is a link to the first part, also worth reading.
Why are people afraid to talk about climate change?  There is some new research on this subject, as reported in the Washington Post.  I would add that having a lack of confidence in one’s own ability to explain the science, or just to explain how one has come to accept the science, can be a reason not to engage with someone who could be a well-oiled denier, or perhaps badly misinformed.  Getting really well-versed in the science takes considerable time and effort, requiring an unusual level of commitment.
The current status of thermal-type solar energy facilities (CSP).  These plants are now capable of doing everything a coal-fired plant can do, at a cost that is getting more and more competitive.  The story explains how they operate and describes a number of working examples.  As the concept becomes field-proven and durable over time the ability of new proposals to gain low-cost financing grows accordingly.
A new technology that raises solar cell efficiency.  This one is already being produced and sold to users.  It offers a cheap and easy way to add about 7% to the efficiency of cells produced from existing process lines.
A report on major companies going all out for 100% renewable power for their own operations:

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