Climate Letter #590

A new study reveals the impact of ocean acidification on a species that is important to the health of many others.  This is just one specific example of how excessive CO2 release is damaging to an entire ecological system that is fine-tuned in its dependencies.

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Corporate leadership in greening the economy has limitations.  A number of case studies suggest that big corporations, even with the best of intentions, cannot be depended on to forge the changes needed to boost climate stability.  They have too much commitment toward protecting existing lines of business and satisfying shareholders.  “Never, ever, ever underestimate the power of the status quo. It is huge.”  Entrepreneurs are still effective, but lack muscle, so we end up with a need to rely on governments to do the pushing.  A thoughtful article.
A separate study predicts what is likely to happen in the absence of solid government interference.  This work perfectly complements the information reported in the story above, claiming that fossil fuel producers will remain competitive and keep pumping out plenty of carbon for a long time to come.  Governments have the implicit power to interfere by raising taxes on carbon emissions and lending maximum support to progressive young industries and their R&D base, but will they?.  (That, of course, is what the carbon lobby is trying its best to prevent.)
The US Supreme Court decision may not mean that much for coal, except temporarily in a few places.  Here it is argued that coal will continue to lose market share, mostly to cheap natural gas.  According to the Sierra Club, “EPA is following the trends that are already occurring in the electric sector — not creating new trends.”
A complete review of progress made in solar cell efficiency.  Over two dozen types are covered here, involving the problem of how to confirm all of the various claims that keep being made.  You can see the results. It’s an interesting life for the organizations around the world that have this responsibility.

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