Climate Letter #793

Bill McKibben has some advice for Donald Trump.  “So Trump faces a dilemma. Does he please his most extreme friends? If so, he will own every climate disaster in the next four years…”  It is pointed out that Trump does have other alternatives that may be less damaging to his legacy.  McKibben also believes the Paris accord as it stands is already a minimum effort compromise, in need of a new brand of leadership.  (There is sure to be a change of leadership no matter what, and that could very well produce surprising results.)

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Trump’s election did not derail the ambitions of the Marrakech conference.  If anything it appears that resolves were strengthened.  Here is a report on what was accomplished at the meeting:
A story from Discover Magazine about what is happening in the Arctic.  The extreme temperature goes on and on, causing sea ice to shrink at a time when it should be expanding.
Weather Underground has a more detailed look at this event, including related information from Antarctica.  Their graphs near the beginning are mind-blowing.
The importance of energy efficiency in reaching the 2C target limit on time.  According to the IEA it is just as important for emissions reduction as the effort to make the switch to renewables, and would have huge economic returns as well.  With proper financing the means of doing so are readily available.  (The 2C target also requires a substantial contribution from either carbon capture or hard cutbacks in energy demand.)
The concept of “degrowth” must not be overlooked.  This story explains the need for reversing the push for endless economic growth, which has come up against the constraints of many of Earth’s physical resources.  A number of links are provided with supporting information and practical advice.

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