Climate Letter #451

A new study shows the power of abrupt climate change.  There is evidence that megafauna extinction rates can be linked to bursts of climate change that occurred naturally during the last great ice age.  This is a good reminder that vast sheets of ice, once destabilized, can produce the kind of dynamic forces needed to bring about extraordinary changes in global climate conditions in a very short period of time.   The scale of change apparently can be great enough to devastate whole species of animals.  While today’s complement of ice sheets is much smaller in size they may still be big enough to pack a good climate wallop of their own making once set in motion by an extra infusion of warmth.

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Washington state is sharing the pain of severe climate change, getting pummeled by wildfires never seen before, along with heat and drought.
The new Hansen paper can now be read online by anyone.  If you have the ambition to read it, or just browse, a link to the full paper is provided below.  (Click on the PDF box in the upper right corner.)  Footnotes to countless cited works done by others can also be found, with summary highlights in some cases.  Altogether, as you can see, the amount of work that has gone into the making of this paper is nothing less than stupendous.
As discussed in the paper, what about all the giant boulders that were tossed around by superstorms during the Eemian interglacial period?  Some are to be found today in the British Virgin Islands, as pictured in this wonderful video:
A Quinnipiac  poll showing the influence of Pope Francis on voters in three swing states.  It will give the Republicans much to think about as the climate issue grows in importance.  Note that Independent voters agreed with the pope by a margin of 2-1 in one state and 3-1 in the other two.
An amazing way to increase the efficiency of solar cells.  A new concept is demonstrated at the University of Delaware.  It involves “changing the color of light,” with the expected effect of increasing solar cell efficiency by 25-30%, which would be a tremendous boost, along with other equally interesting applications.  While there is much more development needed the concept appears sound and there are known pathways that could lead to achieving desired goals.
New materials found that will enhance the energy efficiency of windows.  This work was done at the University of Texas, allowing windows to have both a cool mode and a warm mode and the ability to easily switch between modes.

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