Climate Letter #343

Comparing the number of record high temperatures in the U.S. to record lows. This is a favored method for showing how the climate of some particular region is changing. Here we can see data for six decades plus the latest information for this year.

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A bold forecast from Paul Gilding. Paul is a world-renowned activist/writer who has a knack for expressiveness and close reasoning. Now he is seeing signs that the tide of events favors a complete breakdown in the forces of denialism, with this year being the turning point! This will give you a lot to think about, with a tone that is unusually hopeful.
The greening of the tea party provides an example of what Paul is not just imagining.
Really bad news for denialism. (Another fit for Gilding’s theory.) This is a very big story, because it is so well documented. It has gotten extensive coverage, including the NY Times, and should get much more. It’s one thing to talk about what the Koch brothers and their allies have been doing for decades, which is pretty obvious, and another to produce some firm evidence. We’ll soon be hearing a scandal of this magnitude called by its proper name, “deniergate,” perhaps with more parts uncovered.
Here is how the Times put it:
Further review of the current weather anomalies. This one has a map of today’s extreme anomalies, and also includes some work done for Scientific American by Jennifer Francis, with new imagery.

Review of a newly published book, by Dana Nuccitelli. Dana is an up-and-coming climate science writer who is well-informed on current issues subject to debate. You may want to check this out.

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