Climate Letter #281

November 20, 2014

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Another epic extreme weather event unfolds.  A connection can easily be made to effects of changes in climate, involving unusually warm lake water and the relatively warm Arctic air which produces the meandering actions of the jetstream.  Explained by Jeff Masters and others.
Global emissions in perspective.  Does U.S. carbon emissions policy really matter?  Or Europe’s?  Or that of almost everyone else, except China?  Read this story and study the main chart.  Also, if you look closely, you will see that India’s emissions have grown by six times over the last 30 years, the same as China’s on a percentage basis.  So we need to worry about India too, with its enormous population.  Both countries have ambitious plans for getting greener, but both are also looking to continue unbridled economic growth, which is the main source of the problem.  If they would just stop growing this could all be changed!
Where scientists put the emissions target.  How about zero by 2070?  It has been pointed out that if you wait too long to even get started, which is what the above story indicates at around 2030, then the deadline for zero would have to be moved back quite a few years, because the total carbon budget that is allowable does not change.  That is the predicament we are now heading for.
Melting permafrost is shown to be a source of CO2.  This study tells about methods used for determining the probable source of certain emissions of CO2.  This knowledge is applied to the CO2 increases realized when an ice sheet is receding.  (See the first story in yesterday’s climate letter.)  It has implications for the current melting activity.  The excess carbon that is released seems to have been collected in the soil when the ice sheets were spreading, which is a good subject for other studies.
The Green Climate Fund is taking shape.  It must still be demonstrated that dispersal of this money can be managed in an effective and appropriate way.  Once that is established, new funds, when needed, could be acquired by placing a small tax on all fossil fuel production at the point of original sale,  rather than by donation,.for delivery to the same trusted agency.

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